Is the Frequency of Public Transport from the City to the Airport Sufficient?

Many passengers have pointed out the issue that buses leave shortly before flights arrive, not allowing them enough time for airport checks. These passengers are then forced to wait for the next bus for up to an hour or take a taxi. Although the city of Košice and the Košice Public Transport Company (DPMK) consider the frequency of connections to be adequate, they are open to possible adjustments in the future to meet the airport’s requirements.

In a discussion on this topic, Juraj Tóth, a representative of Košice Airport, expressed understanding for the operational constraints of DPMK and emphasized the need to adjust some routes based on passenger needs, considering regular and charter flights that have different arrival and departure times. The city and DPMK welcomed the discussion on potentially increasing the frequency of connections, especially in the context of new flight routes to Zurich and Zadar, which are set to begin soon.

Košice city spokesperson Dušan Tokárčik emphasized that the current frequency of connections serves not only the airport and its employees but also other businesses in the area. The city is open to discussions on improving services to enhance the accessibility of the airport and its surroundings.

DPMK representative Vladimíra Bujňáková suggested that with the introduction of the summer flight schedule, there might be a review and potential changes in the bus schedule, about which the public will be informed.

This situation reflects Košice’s openness to dialogue and potential adjustments in public transport, responding to the needs of its residents and airport visitors.